James T Lake James T Lake

Different By Design

We have actively tried to create something different for our first range. These products where designed and implemented like prototypes, with the idea being “that sounds cool, let’s see if it works”. It will or it won’t but we will try again.

I hope these products are cool or at least just different to everything else. We definitely like them, we use them to.

So far the feedback has ben positive, which is great because we can get crazier. The colour combos we have in the pipe line are awesome.

We are seriously looking forward to producing some next level designs and colour combos for your purchasing pleasure, hop you guys like them to.

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James T Lake James T Lake

Hello World!


We are live, What an exciting time.

Launching a store has always been a bit of a dream. We have done our best to put something out we can be proud of. I couldn’t be more thankful for everyone who has provided feedback on the site and we are continuing to update the site and get everything looking top notch. We will continue to make improvements and try new things.

This pet project is a work in progress and we are all just genuinely excited to share our work with every one.

Our first orders have shipped and we are looking forward to new starting the designs for our future ranges.

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